Customer Service Training

Training Solution

Customer Service Training

Achieveglobal is recognised as being one of the worlds leading providers of customer service training courses. Through our on-going research into customer loyalty, employee satisfaction and orgnisational profitability, we have isolated those crucial elements vital to customer satisfaction and loyalty, and to organisational success. Though our customer service training courses, in New Zealand, we’re partnering many of our leading companies in the development of their customer service skills and customer relationships. For further information please feel free to browse our range of customer service training courses below. Please note that all of our customer service training courses come with free reinforcement and follow-up tools to enable participants and coaches to continue to practice and hone the skills following the training events.
For an informal chat about how we might be able to add value to your customer service team, please don’t hesitate to call us on 09 473 0382 or email and a friendly consultant will give you a call.

Coaching To Be Service Ready

Enables customer-oriented change by growing a customer-focused workforce through effective coaching. While most organizations recognize that customer service is integral
to the survival and success of their organization, it is difficult to enact a customer-oriented organization from top leadership down. Instead, you must grow it from the bottom up through strategic coaching

Features core concepts and skills that have been tested thoroughly for more than 40 years—and apply to all global workforces. Discussions, missions and assignments are built so that learners create action steps that align with their own geographic and
cultural viewpoints

Coaching To Be Service Ready Features

Coaching to be service ready features two modules that create a customer-oriented culture and deliver resultsoriented feedback.

1. Creating a Customer-Oriented Culture.

Learn how to grow your leadership skills using six guidelines for building trust and motivating for positive effort, while unlocking your employees’ internal motivation with three motivational keys. Understand how to guide your team toward your objectives with a structured process for setting results-oriented, motivating goals.

2. Delivering Results-Oriented Feedback

Learn how to have successful, effective feedback conversations—to give and receive feedback in ways that promote improved performance and maintain constructive relationships. Discover how to support the internal motivation of your team for meeting customer expectations and improving
performance by helping them find personal benefits in organizational structure and self-motivated

Coaching To Be Service Ready allows service leaders and coaches to:

     Empower employees in consistently delivering improved customer experiences.

     Build skills that establish trust and motivate employees in giving positive effort.

     Use the process in clarifying individual and team focus to maximize performance..

     Deliver feedback in a way that supports performance and improves results.

     Improve overall engagement levels.

     Take positive action based on feedback.

Program Facts

This program is for service leaders and coaches of all experience levels. While some
content may seem familiar to more experienced leaders, its contextual application
within the structure of Self-Determination Theory enriches the learning experience for
a more advanced learning audience.

How Your Organization Will Benefit

     Build employee skill sets for more effective succession planning and team building

     Create a coaching culture to drive business results.

     Drive desired behavior change through results-oriented feedback and produce
positive business performance.

     Reduce negative performance issues when utilized consistently across

Delivery Options

     Integrated solution

     One-day follow-up workshop for application available